Monday, October 13, 2008

American Oddity

With the state of the American Economy in turmoil and severely affecting the Global Economy to the point where other major countries are implementing bailouts in the last ditch attempt to keep the markets from imploding. We have the pleasure of voting in the most important election that America has ever seen. With the single largest percentage and point loss on Wall Street ever, we have the opportunity to turn major losses into big time gains. The rich have been getting richer for a long time and it is now time for the average American from corner Main Street and Normal Avenue to step up and make their opinion heard. If not now then when, if not us then who. We are the next generation and we don't stake our claim now it will be to late very soon.

1 comment:

Slymnsexxy said...

Very interesting, I think many more people have realized that this is an important election. One that could change the course of history as we know it. I'm blessed to be a part of it and an active participant, this is something young black men and woman have been waiting a long time for.