Thursday, April 16, 2009

Right Now in Sports and Music

There are somethings that should be left alone. I am very big fan of having fun and it definitely looks like the Head Coach for the mens basketball team at Tennessee is having a great time, but why did we have to be subjected to this performance. This is now the state of entertainment and how much of a joke a once beloved form of music has become. At the risk of sounding like a "Brown Sugar" advertisement, I am really a fan of the mid 1990's and the music that used to be called Hip Hop. I understand that the music industry is a business but the music on the radio now does not do anything for the soul. The leaders of the new school are now selling records with no content, but a lot of great beats, big chains, falling money and of course the perfect women that our culture describes as gold diggers if they hint at the fact they want their man to take care of them. Now women are becoming the bread winner, taking care of the house and being told not to complain. It is a sad state we are in as a culture and a community. We need to change somethings, and this has been the theme of 2009 for so many. I hope this starts a discussion, helps some people make a change and/or gets someone focused on what is really important.